Tuesday, September 11, 2007


hahaha yz leh!

i suddenly can access blogspot. thanks to e website tat wanqi provided

ok everybody thanks for ur concern. im doing fine in shanghai
only e mrt every morn is damn horrible(10 times worse den e morning rush crowd in spore), e food is super oily n salty, e traffic is super δΉ±, im super broke.etc, and e list just goes on

i realy lazy to update, everyday come hm do tis n tat v tired liaoz. don even hv enuf time to rest. its 11.15pm now. i need to go slp. tml still gotta wake up early n squeeze mrt again!!!!

ps: yes evon, im angie(:
jeremy u siam. den u don tan tan xin to me on msn hor. hahaha
mirage u mayb dying soon u don dds! hehe


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