Monday, September 24, 2007

in e life of an OL

went to e factory in taichang in e aftnoon tog with my director n one of e vice president in e vp's car

bloody hell
got jam on e highway
took 2 hrs to reach
e traffic in shanghai is really hopeless

on e way there saw men peeing on e streets
cos got jam. den i tink they bth. eeeeee

took e 班车 back to 莲花站 at 5. reach e mrt stop at 630!!!!
kill me pls
e factory is damn far
bt thank god theres less than 10 pp on e bus, so theres plenty of seats n i slept throughout e whole journey

reached hm at 7pm. cooked with wanqi n serene
wanqi decided to join our 便当聚乐部!
finished cookin at 830.
now is 946. just ate dinner n im so so so sleepy

oh ya, buy train tickets to suzhou fr 2oct to 4oct with serene, wanqi, cc, zhengwen, kevin, nicholas, shangzhao
e rest except me, serene n nicholas gg to climb e 黄山 so they will b leaving us n suzhou on e 3rd.

why serene n i not gg?
yes u guessed it rite

e stupid 黄山 admission fee is 200rmb ok!
imagine u haven start climbing den muz pay money
so we will stay in suzhou with nicolas n walk ard ourselves

tml is 中秋节
we gg to buy latterns n walk ard tog. might b gg over to shangzhao's hse with my usual clique


PS: i cant sign in to msn using my laptop leh. why huh. keep on say e key port got prob!

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