Sunday, September 30, 2007

e updates as promised

mon, 10.35am
shangzhao offically moved in with us! (due to unforeseen circumstances. HAHAHA!) hes bunking in tog with kevin.
im happy
cos i don need to pay 1250rmb of rent again!
i can pay 1050rmb of rent
plus each of us take back 650rmb for e prev deposit fr him

this serene n my room. e blue bed n grey sofa is mine

tis was taken during e first week. fr e first week onwards, e corner beside my bed n e sofa is messy. super messy. even e 阿姨(maid) who helps us wash clothes n stuff, bth me. i tink she everytime come she wanna slap me.

yest i finally cleared my room, n take e clothes outside into my room
she said: 终于舍得拿进来了啊!
so sacarstic. n she keeps on criticising us. tell serene, wanqi n i not to eat so much rice cos 上海的女生都是瘦的
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will sack her if she continues to 有的没的 with us! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

went k with serene, wanqi, shangzhao n their colleagues at 徐家汇 on WEDNESDAY
its called 好乐迪 i tink. e system good leh. i tink better than kbox n partyworld

got disco lights somemore!!

i lok ugly in all e pics. wanna die. e face so damn white la! i go buy e foundation den e person keep on tell me 21 is suitable for me even thou i always use 22! look like ghost like tat. nabeh

anybody coming to shanghai soon pls tell me. e stuff here hor. those maybeline, loreal, shu umera..etc got luxury tax. so more ex den spore! tell me if u coming. i need moisturizer fr body shop. hahahha

went to eat with serene on FRIDAY at some shop near our hse

we ordered 1 veggie, 1 fish, 1 chicken, 1 soup n 1 dessert. decided to pamper ourselves cos its pay day!

i tink we crazy. 2 person order so much

paid 82rmb for tat. so each person 41rmb. 8sing dollars! 8dollars in spore cant even eat so much la! i tink when my mom see tis she gg to slap me alr. always ask me why my money spend so fast i always tell her its e food. hahahaha sorry mom

theres a big bowl of soup n theres like small little white balls inside. its called 酒酿圆子. nice type! e balls are tang yuan like tat bt with no fillings. soft n chewy! bt den tis shop one ok only. 小南国one nicer!

see 小南国 so high class!

by contrast.....

hahahah serene wear pyjamas down!

might b gg over to jo hse to ton tonight den tml morning will go st to e train station to take train to suzhou!

will be back on either wed or thursday

update u guys again!


Friday, September 28, 2007

just a little update

sat, 9.36am

seriously i got to give myself credit. i cannot imagine how i can reach wrk every morning at 9am. its like a miracle comparing to sch man.

i saw someone washing a pear WITH DETERGENT in e co's toilet!!!!
are e pears in china tat dirty?!?!

v tired. hv been reachin hm late every nite since tues. now i tink i gotten e flu bug. hope it doesnt develop into a fever

hv some pics to upload, nt v nice though. tats y im nt v enthusiatic abt uploading it. guess i'l upload it on sun, when my wrk week offically ends n then its hol time for 7 days!



i will buy back alot n alot of presents for u ok!

Monday, September 24, 2007

in e life of an OL

went to e factory in taichang in e aftnoon tog with my director n one of e vice president in e vp's car

bloody hell
got jam on e highway
took 2 hrs to reach
e traffic in shanghai is really hopeless

on e way there saw men peeing on e streets
cos got jam. den i tink they bth. eeeeee

took e 班车 back to 莲花站 at 5. reach e mrt stop at 630!!!!
kill me pls
e factory is damn far
bt thank god theres less than 10 pp on e bus, so theres plenty of seats n i slept throughout e whole journey

reached hm at 7pm. cooked with wanqi n serene
wanqi decided to join our 便当聚乐部!
finished cookin at 830.
now is 946. just ate dinner n im so so so sleepy

oh ya, buy train tickets to suzhou fr 2oct to 4oct with serene, wanqi, cc, zhengwen, kevin, nicholas, shangzhao
e rest except me, serene n nicholas gg to climb e 黄山 so they will b leaving us n suzhou on e 3rd.

why serene n i not gg?
yes u guessed it rite

e stupid 黄山 admission fee is 200rmb ok!
imagine u haven start climbing den muz pay money
so we will stay in suzhou with nicolas n walk ard ourselves

tml is 中秋节
we gg to buy latterns n walk ard tog. might b gg over to shangzhao's hse with my usual clique


PS: i cant sign in to msn using my laptop leh. why huh. keep on say e key port got prob!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

super duper long entry

im back with loads n loads of pics!

long long overdue
before i came over to shanghai

hv been telling u guys on n on abt 串串
its actually a roadside stall

all e 料 will be placed on a table, den we will choose what we wan n let e uncle bbq. hahaha!

my fav is 年糕! serene's fav is 金珍菇

e vendor will provide tables n chairs. den can sit there eat. at hm eat nt so shuang cos cold alr. den eat there wil hv 阵阵冷风. will feel damn warm.

theres a 串串 and 麻辣烫 near our hse. hahaa we r their regular customers. bt tink we ate too much of ot. too regular. our stomach starting to protest. serene n i hv been snatching toilet fr each other for these past 3 days

went to 南京东路 last week

e place is really nice

v colorful n vibrant

theres this coco curry hse. damn nice e curry! jap curry. wonder why theres no branch in spore?

went to 上海野生动物园 with serene yest
we took e train at 9. den reached 上海体育馆 stop aft 5 mins
den we take e bus- 万野专线 for 1.5 hrs!!!
i swear shanghai's traffic is really slow n horrible. e return journey back to e mrt took us 2 hrs!!!! wanna die. sit so long

bt we v proud to make our way by train n bus. cos we hv been taking cabs to those far far places since we were here. we muz learn to take bus!!!!! broke by cabbing

saw a rural part of shanghai. e shops n eatries at 浦东新区 hor...really dirty n rundown. of cos i nv try. we were on e bus den we see alr sianz diaoz

n so they said shanghai is a developed city?

e weather wasnt v gd. damn cold. so we both had our jackets on

we sat on a horse!!!! paid 15rmb for that. hehe

theres tis segment in e zoo where we can sit in a bus n e bus will drive us ard to see those animals. those animals r not caged up. can even buy a live chicken for 60rmb n throw to e lions n tigers. see how they tear e poor chicken apart

bt we broke
60rmb can last us for 2 to 3 days

tell me, what is lesser panda?

e eng standard in china hor...really.... cmi

ok random

see e 羊 meh meh! so cute hor. it went mehhhhhhhh all e way


why got chao ta meh meh one!!!!

serene v brave. she go n feed e monkeys. i see e monkeys all chiong up to e person who feed them i faster siam away alr

i v nice, i help her take pic(:

look at e incubation jars. damn erxin!!!

nx week wil b a long week cos we wl al b wrking 1 ful week non stop, to make up for china national hols

bt 先苦后甜

e week aft nx will b a long hol for us. 7 days of off.

might b gg over to suzhou. not sure. see what e rest decides first den i decide.

serene n i v broke. so we went grocery shopping. buy vegie, meat n rice hm. we decide to cook every meal. bth e food here. n dioscover tat cook ourselves cheaper. will bring 便当 for lunch to wrk.
hahaha we will cook e night before aft we cook finish our dinner, put e food in e fridge n heat up e nx day during lunch. n since i got lunch taken care of, i decide to bring 20rmb out everyday. limit my spending

why! stay in spore everyday spend until so comfortably. come china we so cham!!!!!


sammi- 多得他

當初 初給他的雙手抱我那一瞬
曾軟軟笑笑 但不知所措卻竟相信
在世界 我最軟弱 所以要他相擁
就讓我那懶懶身軀 躲進臂彎之中

無論現實或是造夢 都給他每秒操縱
從來沒發覺 他的呼吸催促我變得多蠢
誤信了我 弱質纖纖 隨便也感動
並未知道我也可以 完全麻木放縱

真的要多得他 去使我懂得 每一個故事結尾  
無非別離 總是別離  
失去他先知 我也可不需要那臂彎不哭 也不生氣

我最初天天 只等他將體溫軀去我寒意
還承認我太怕冷要靠愛侶輸出暖意 誰料到今天只得一個 仍然可以生活
若是感到四處太冷漠 穿上我的冬衣

我最初抓緊他的雙手 從來不愛自由
能讓我永遠地擁有 已覺真的富有
那料這又抹掉眼淚也要靠我的手 即使他已愛我多久 

OH BABY 他的愛意反覆改變我 
也許相戀得太多 人亦漸漸不知對錯
天生孤單過路再上路也不清楚 要看得清楚卻不必需要那點戀火 

OH NO NO NO! The kind of girl that you can let down thinking everything is ok I'm only human (oh no no no! The kind of girl that you can let down thinking everything is ok I'm only human) (oh good good good cause you can't don't let me don't you let me down I'm only human) (oh no oh no the kind of girl that you can let down thinking everything is ok

I'm only human.that girl is more than occasional hearts as a joken of love oh if you feel it in your heart and you understand me stop right where you are everybody sing along with me)

無非別離 總是別離 失去他先知 我也可不需要那臂彎不哭

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


hahaha yz leh!

i suddenly can access blogspot. thanks to e website tat wanqi provided

ok everybody thanks for ur concern. im doing fine in shanghai
only e mrt every morn is damn horrible(10 times worse den e morning rush crowd in spore), e food is super oily n salty, e traffic is super 乱, im super broke.etc, and e list just goes on

i realy lazy to update, everyday come hm do tis n tat v tired liaoz. don even hv enuf time to rest. its 11.15pm now. i need to go slp. tml still gotta wake up early n squeeze mrt again!!!!

ps: yes evon, im angie(:
jeremy u siam. den u don tan tan xin to me on msn hor. hahaha
mirage u mayb dying soon u don dds! hehe


Sunday, September 9, 2007


hello hello!

wah super yz can access blogger! hahaha

china got firewall. ban alot of websites. super bo liaoz la. now i cannot gain access to blogspot, flickr..etc

v fan cannot read all ur updates

tell me if u guys wan me to chg blog! mayb i can chg to wordpress. bt i really lazy to update. everyday also tired. shanghai is fun!

btw, results coming out soon. howwwwwwwwwwwwwww