Tuesday, July 31, 2007

jw with e world


e person who steal my money 不得好死!

if is a guy, i curse his hair all drop out
if is a girl, i curse she kana raped

e whole family also 不得好死
they walk on e streets will be slapped by people for no reason, den they cross the road will be honked by cars by no reason, climb buildings will be pushed down e stairs for no reason, eat also will choke on fish bone, walk also will fall down themselves, take one step fall one time. because they keep on falling they cross the road they cannot siam in time den kana car bang. want to call ambulance discover hp no batt. expect the driver to come down help them, the driver bo hiew. they call out for help nobody care. blood keep on gushing. then they v v v lucky climb to a telephone booth themselves and call for ambulance. ambulance come after three hours. by then, they half dead alr. but cannot die so easily. so when they go hospital will kana poked by alot of needles and go thru surgery. cut cut cut their body parts. in e end die. bo pian la. e body parts use glue to glue back, cos not enough needles, den throw into rubbish bin

wheres humanity!!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

although i got alot of pictures

i lazy to update

shall update again one month later

btw both fiona and fann tiam ok. don tink i don noe who you two are
hahaha u two xiang yun and huifang la!!

anw got to go off alr. anything just IM me ok! whee~

Sunday, July 22, 2007


IS modules are useless. IS modules every semester are useless

waste of time. crap. bullshit

this semester is ending in like 2 weeks. n then exams.

i really don like writing stupid reflections for IS modules.
minimum of 500 words each. n my both my IS modules need to submit it

Give three learning points that you have gathered from this module and show how these learning points have broadened your perspective? In what ways has your perspective of the world and/or Singapore changed? Substantiate your work with examples taken from your personal experiences, global events, and / or local happenings.

shut up ok. i didnt learn anything fr WISP, my perspective wasnt broadened and im not interested in sharing my personal experience also.
i managed to squeeze out 400 words for it.
min 500
but i really bth liaoz. so i bo hiew n send in

With regards to people management, discuss what are your key strengths and weaknesses and how do you measure up as a future manager?

ans: I think my key strength lies in me being able to put myself in the shoes of my subordinates. I can relate myself to the people working with me and I will know what they want. Good performance will be rewarded while bad performance will be reprimanded. I think I will be a very good manager

i tink my ans very qian pp slap. i see alr i also want to slap. epm also v irritating. got 3 stupid qns. shut also ok. i really not interested in discussing abt my personal strengths. i dont know what a good manager need to possess la. and NO, i didnt learn anyth fr it either and im not interested to share!

IS super bo liaoz. finally. tml last lesson for IS. thank god

Friday, July 13, 2007


damn it

our claw proj damn screwed up. e claw tutor deduct our marks over small small details like font size n nv hand up e article. excuse me, we use arial 12 ok!

v fan la. e claw tutor still say our application n stuff got prob. contradicting. i tink is his english got prob. where got diff to understand! i mean i don really understand e nexus between e irregularity and alleged injustice but thats abt all what! n u all tell me, got such a thing as quoting too much law principles? if miss out, den u say not enough. write too much den u kpkb say include too much. WHAT YOU WANT!

i super sianz diaoz with someone. you know who you are.

u were e one who say u don want to sacrifice sleep for project de hor. don bcoz e grades come out like that, den u kpkb say u shd b e one doing e section tat carry e most marks. u tell me la, who say understand e article den in end i ask wads e article abt, n can only tell me first 5 points?! who were e ones who explained e whole article to u? E WHOLE OF 60 POINTS?! WHO WERE E ONES WHO STAYED UP LATE AT NIGHT WHILE U WENT TO SLEEP COS U DIDNT WANT TO SACRIFICE SLEEP OVER PROJECT?! IS SHUYU AND ME OK. can u pls search ur conscience first. don come n say rubbish ok.

tues presentation. i tink die alr. cfm is kana shoot n shoot.

still got ib presentation on wed n audit presentation on thurs to clear
n i haven started on it yet

i alr feel v jw liaoz
now i feel MORE N MORE jw

Monday, July 9, 2007

i want to sleep

i tink np siaoz de. always hv tat kind of bo liaoz exercise. tell us to hv a virtual online chat instead of going to sch. not tat i like waking up so early to go to school la (9am lesson so early). bt den rite. e chat damn stupid leh.

i super feel like slping. later hving another chat at 11am. i don care liaoz. i want to go slp den n wake up at 11am ltr.

oh yah. got pics on sun yet to post up. lazy. next time.

so jw
i feel so jw with everyth

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


its going to be 2am already. n im still on e phone with shuyu discussing e claw article. e stupid case got 60 sub points and we are only half way through

kill me please

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

yes i passed my afa! i passed all my 4 papers!! cheers(:
in afa n claw class. as usual i was charging phone. n my table seems v empty rite? hahaha. e notes i borrow fr ym one
by contrast, ym so hardworking

let u all see something scary
serene's blue black! eeeeeeeeee.

some super random pics.
i know i look damn fat. is e angle la! angle!

im making myself comfortable in class

ok, mayb too comfortable. my legs look FAT

speaking of legs, tony v qian bian

tony: 你有 wax 你的脚 ar?
me: 没有 la!
tony: 好看 leh, 很像很滑
me: ...
tony: 可惜,你的脸是你的致命伤
me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

super feel like slapping him. super super!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

off to pizza hut for lunch aft cls
we were discussing e bible. n (gasp!), i borrowed e bible fr serene to read. hope got interesing story if not i will just slp

we ordered hawaiian stuff crust n seafood regular pan pizza. i really like e stuff crust. e cheese got weird taste, but v nice! (same theory as e mac fish fillet burger got fishy taste, bt v nice la!)

project discussion aft lunch!

shu's laptop crashed. v jialat. hahaha. seriously i tink ibm v jw. i v worried for my laptop

by e time we finished discussing project, we had dinner again!!!!

i am damn predictable

ok, sianz diaoz. 12am alr. i haven started on my ib ppt which is due to b presented tml!!!

n i got a claw report due on fri. i kana e most diff part. e legal principles, application, conclusion n how e judge applied e law to e case (or sth like that, cant rmb)

anw, got to start on my project soon

n sometimes i wonder, what are you doing right now?

Monday, July 2, 2007

overseas attachment

its like, so not confirmed right now. n i dont want to get my hopes up high in case im disappointed.

people, pray for me!
hope theres really good news for me at e end of july

met up with sock n kelvin. hahaha nice crapping session

i just realised that everyone is busy embarking on a new journey in their life. sock, cons n nelly r gg to uni in august, me n my bunch of frens + jo r gg for attachment in sept, kelvin is gg to army next year n everyone is either now busily doing some part time work to earn their sch fees or taking e initiative to study really hard for e up n coming exam in august (anyone started alr?) or worrying abt where the place of attachment will be(tats me btw).

time really stop for nobody. e world still goes round.

n aft talking to sock n kelvin, i sorta miss band. band was my 'identity' in sec sch. in fact, for my batch of band members, it was our 'identity'. now i look back, theres quite a lot of lessons learnt fr there. yupz, i miss e bonding there!

shit. its 1230am alr. i still haven bath yet. n tml lesson is at 9am. i didnt do afa tutorial! gonna get fined $2!!!! nabeh!