Thursday, February 14, 2008


have been out with jane for e past few days

i tink we walked like half of spore already
spore is so so small! and we r getting bored cos we always roam ard aimlessly. hahaha!

so we went to tis shop selling korean food at toa payoh today
den we decided to order 2 bowls of kimchi soup

e guy v frenly ask us : what kind of meat u wan? got chicken, beef n pork
we decided to support chicken

in e end we got tis...
few strands of 金针菇, few piece of tofu, 3 pieces of chicken (we went to count) and few pathetic veggie floating around (e bowl looks empty to me anw). 1 bowl for $5.50

even thou i always say i wan to jian fei..but...abit too kua zhang la hor

i tink food business is really v e profitable

now i very the miss e days in shanghai. gone were e days where e food serving were big n a buffet costs only like $10 SING. RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

i hv an interview scheduled tml at Textile Centre, which i dont know where e hell it is at. only know its somewhere near National Library (according to my cousin). i hv alr found out e directions to e lib (yes i dont know how to walk to national lib, i v 失败!) and i tink i will go n approach e pp there for further directions. hope i can find e place successfully. i must prove tat i am not a direction moron!!!!

NOTE: our plan for tml- chinatown in e evening! hope there r pics (hv been feeling super lazy lately)

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