Friday, September 26, 2008

byebye blogspot

i am sick of blogger

so i decided to shift

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i had this super irresistable urge to vomit as i took e bus home

i almost couldnt take it and i really wanted to 7 stops away from my house
but hor, i couldnt move and den e bus just continue to zoommmmmmmmmm off
den i see, wah whole bus full of army boys
so i pray

神阿! allah! jesus! mother mary! 普萨阿!
dont let me throw my face on the bus
n e urge disappear! WAH!

2nd time in this month tat i felt like vomitting
something must be wrong with this pok gai body of mine

Friday, September 19, 2008

all of us agrees

this guy
this external (thankfully!) stupid consultant
is an idiot

he likes to turn 1 whole round when he answers my questions and is always asking me to gather almost the impossible

look, my suppliers hv no time and patience to produce the so called relevant stuff that you need.
what product data list, product codes, specifications, certificates..etc
i swear they're going to use e 'f' word and hang up once they hears my request

n i cant go ask for any validation for the shelf life
theres no such thing
shelf life, is determined by the quality of cold rooms that we have, you idiot
i can provide you with e standard industry practice for shelf life however

im losing my patience
very very soon

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

my travel itch is bitting me again........
i want to go someplace else n hv a break- not malaysia (i scared get rob), not batam n what st john island (got ghosts i dont want) n certainly not pulau ubin (i go there die from heatstroke only i think)

i am such a fussy person hor

was thinking of vietnam, taiwan or china. ya la i know i've been to shanghai bt that was during winter. i coop myself at home bcoz it was like freezing outside la. so when i hv e chance to go out to e world n walk ard with a valid reason i went to give it up. n now im back at home i want to go out and walk around. sometimes i do feel like slapping myself

but NOT NOW. next yr perhaps. i got too many things tat i need to save up for. travel is at e last of e list. now i can only dream of travelling and mayb get sock to go to changi airport n hv popeye with me- we've talked abt tis forever and still talking abt this bt not doing it! i miss e biscuits!!!!!!!!!!

my sis (sometimes) still reminds me that i mentioned tat im gg to cook them some fantastic pasta (self-proclaimed) which nv materialise. oh well.. i really do want to cook it but im just plain lazy to really get started n doing it. first step is to buy e ingredients right? but everytime i alight at e bus stop aft wrk i don feel like walking anymore to buy e ingredients

i'l do it this saturday i guess. if i can get myself out of e house. you know, its really diff for me to get my butt out of e hse on a weekend unless im out with sock or cons.

downright lazy
lazy to shop
lazy to buy food and eat (i'l ransack e house for instant noodles or lure my bro with some pocket money and get him to go down to buy)
lazy to walk (im lying on e mattress as i watch tv. im sitting on a chair infront of e comp screen)
lazy to work (think only, if never go means no money. i cannot tolerate myself earning $0)
lazy to think (i like staring at e tv or comp screen)
lazy to love

bah. shall update again when i have pics. (actually i have but again im lazy to upload hohoho)

Friday, September 12, 2008

i didnt realise i drank fr a cup that the detergent wasnt washed off completely until half of the water went down my stomach (it tasted v weird)

i was that stupid enough to not realise tat its detergent when i saw bubbles forming when i poured e water in. i thought to myself "must be i pour too fast" and gleefully drank it down!!!!!!!!

so small thing wont die la. but i tink my stomach is starting to feel weirdddddddddddddd now

might be gg down aft lunch to take typhoid injection later- boss said it was okay to go aft lunch!!!!! YIPEE YIPEE YEAH YEAH!
hope i dont develop any flu like symptons aft that

more updates, soon, i hope