Friday, March 28, 2008


today was e once-a-month-meet-up with sock and kelvin



a nice dessert to end it off

hot chocolate with lovely strudels


e simple joys in life

i will be even happier

if i nv leave my specs in e office. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


当我晚上睡觉突然间醒来, check 一下时间, 还没到六点


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i decided to update out of boredom

so typical of him
AO again

my colleague say he hope he can strike lottery den can stay at hm 翘脚

i everyday ask him when i can 嫁个有钱人
shou bu liao le!!!!!!
i everyday see got pp slack at e pool n cafes. v free no need wrk
tat will be meeeeeeeee in e future

fri is a public holiday!

Monday, March 3, 2008

mini swimming pool!!!!!

for e past 3 weeks i hv been sleeping way past noon
today i wake up at 7am
feel like dying

today is my first day of work
orientation at raffles town club. im gg to refer it as rtc fr now onwards

we had a tour ard rtc

den hor, we went into e chancellor and president suite
you know there is a mini swimming pool in this 2 suites leh!!!!!!
how kua zhang is that!!!!!!!!

i tink i am like mountain tortoise hee

got one newbie say: wah, 很享受 hor
my reply?